Align - Prenatal program

Wherever you are on your journey, this program has been designed to help you feel energised and supported throughout each stage of your pregnancy.

What can I expect from this program?

Broken down into 3 trimesters, Align has been carefully created with a unique 3 stage approach based on strength, barre and elements of pilates, including all the modifications every mama-to-be needs to enjoy an effective, fun and supportive program.

Whether you want to work out at home or in the gym, these short yet effective workouts aim to help you build & maintain strength, improve circulation and prepare your body mentally & physically for your new journey into motherhood.

How long is this program? Are there different difficulty levels?

The program has been designed differently for each week of your pregnancy therefore once you have had your pregnancy week confirmed via ultrasound you should begin on that week rather than the beginning of that trimester.  

The program is 40 weeks in total. Rather than difficulty levels each phase of the program corresponds with how far along you are in your pregnancy, this is broken down into 3 trimesters.

What do the workouts look like? How long does each workout take?

The workouts range from 20 - 40 minutes duration with the 1st and 3rd trimester designed to be a little shorter and the 2nd trimester to be a little longer and energising. 

As the workouts are in a click through format rather than on demand videos you can follow these at your own pace taking any additional rest time where needed.

What equipment do I need?

All you will need are dumbbells, a mat, resistance band, pilates ball and a chair. If you do not have a pilates ball this can be swapped out for a cushion or rolled up towel.

You may want to use different weights of dumbbells depending on the exercise, as well as your ability and how you are feeling - this program includes goblet squats, upright rows and RDLs. 

When choosing your weights it is important that you do not introduce new weights or increase these during your pregnancy and instead only workout to maintain fitness levels. You can also perform exercises with just bodyweight where needed.

Are all the workouts in this program safe for all pregnancies?

All pregnancy journeys are different, if you experience any complications, or specific conditions, we’d advise you to check with your doctor/physician for them to check if the workouts are suitable for you.

Workouts are designed by a qualified professional specifically for our prenatal community members. Emily has a Level 3 Award in Supporting Pre and Postnatal Clients with Exercise and Nutrition.

I’ve been experiencing some complications in my pregnancy, is it safe for me to continue working out?

We’d recommend you stop exercising if you experience any adverse symptoms and seek guidance from your Doctor/physician if you’re experiencing any complications.

I’m struggling with these workouts, what can I do?
This is your body, your journey, so tune into it and make adjustments where needed. This may involve taking exercises more slowly, increasing rest times, using a chair for added support and reducing weights, reps or sets where needed.
I’m pregnant but don’t want to switch to Align, can I continue following my existing program?

We’d recommend seeking advice from your Doctor/physician. 

If you were active prior to becoming pregnant you should be able to continue following your existing program with the appropriate modifications each trimester, unless you experience any complications. 

If you are highly affected by pregnancy symptoms, you may need to modify workouts earlier on in your pregnancy journey.

After I’ve given birth, which programs can I follow?

Once you’ve had the all clear from your doctor or medical professional 6 - 12 weeks postnatal you can look to get back into exercise. Our Postnatal program Restore is perfect for easing you back into exercise. 

Remember to take things easy to begin with, you will need to make some adjustments to ensure you account for the changes your body is going through.

I can’t find this program in my app, what do I do?
In order to view and assign the Align program please ensure your app is updated to the latest version.
My question hasn’t been answered

For any specific questions related to your pregnancy we would always advise consulting with your medical provider.

If you have any other general fitness/exercise questions about your prenatal journey please reach out to our team via our online form and a qualified member of our team will respond as soon as possible.

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